Monday, July 19, 2010

Braised Cucumbers

If I thought the zucchini was bad, I had no idea what I had in store for me. These cucumbers are relentless. We're reaping about 12-15 huge cukes every week. I promise I'll only plant one seed next year. One cucumber seed, one zucchini seed, one bean and one tomato. Come next year, if I diverge from this decision, please feel free bring me to my senses.

 All these cucumbers reminded me of that part from the movie Julie & Julia, where they mention braised cucumbers. What? Who cooks cucumbers? My thoughts exactly. So I had to look it up, and of course got a whole list of bloggers who had tried making this after watching the movie. How original! Phissh. 

Julia's recipe is pretty simple. Chop cukes. Saute in butter. Add salt and pepper and lemon juice. Voila!

I don't know if I liked this or not. It definitely was a very interesting dish. Very odd eating warm cucumbers. Yet, I couldn't form a definite opinion on whether is was good-interesting or bad-interesting. At this point, I think I might have to try making this again, and see if that helps. If only I had more cucumbers...oh wait! If you try it, do let me know what you think.

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