Thursday, May 6, 2010

One Ingredient Ice-cream

Thats right! One ingredient. Just one. I was stumped and intrigued too when I stumbled upon this site. Bananas. Whipped frozen bananas. Who would've thunk?

People who know me, know what I think of bananas. Last year I gave bananas a second chance after almost 12 years. They're not as bad as I had thought as a kid, but they're still not my favorite. But the idea of turning a banana (and JUST a banana) into ice-cream was too fascinating to pass up.

So I got bananas, froze them, cut them up and put them in the food processor.

Chop. Whip. Puree. Taste test: blah! Tastes like banana mush. Baby food. Yucky. Oh well...

Then I figured I should whip some more and just to see what happens. So I whipped some more, until it actually started to look kinda ice-creamy. Second taste test: yum! Texture very much like ice-cream, creamy, with a slight banana-y after taste.

What if I added some other flavors? Frozen strawberries go in with what was left. Whip, whip, whip. Strawberry "ice cream"! While this is no Häagen-Dazs, it tastes better than I had initially thought it would. A LOT better. Plus its all fruit. No additives, no fat, no sugar. How can you possibly go wrong? Try it. You'll like it. One tip - use ripe bananas.

Bon Apetit!

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