Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuna Steaks

Its been a while since I made this recipe - saw it on a Good Eats episode a few years back. My steaks could have been thicker, but it was tasty regardless. Its a simple and quick marinade consisting of :
Soy sauce
Peanut oil (I used sesame oil instead of peanut oil - only cause that is what I had on hand)
Wasabi paste (or powder)

Add all to ziploc bag. Mix well. Add steaks. Rub well. Let them marinate for at least an hour (longer if you can)
When you are ready, roll the steak in sesame seeds. Now, Alton's recipe calls for a grill. Since I don't have one, I just used a regular frying pan. I did make sure it was smoking hot. Gently place the steak on your pan, and time yourself for a minute and half. Gently flip over and another minute and a half. Turn off and plate. Your steak should still be a bright red in the middle. A well done tuna steak in a big no-no. Unless you like you're tuna to taste like cat food.

I paired it up with some napa cabbage (sauteed in some oilve oil, with a touch of soy sauce) and Jasmine rice.
Definitely some good eats!

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