Monday, January 25, 2010

Blue Pizza

We've been surrounded by cheese ever since we moved to Wisconsin. All kinds of local cheeses and fun flavors. Bacon, horseradish, pesto, sundried tomatoes, chocolate fudge!?! The grocery stores here dedicate entire aisles (yes, plural) - to cheese. I've managed to try a few varieties in the past few months, and have so many more to go.

I picked up some locally made blue cheese this week. I don't have much experience with blue cheeses - its soft and kinda stinky. It also doesn't have much of a shelf life, so I wanted to make sure I use it up soon after I opened it up. Pizza was the first idea that came to mind, although I wasn't sure what flavors would combine well with the strong cheese. Food Network brought me to this interesting recipe. Corn sounded good. Pesto not so much. It still needed a 3rd dimension so I went with caramelized onions with a splash of balsamic vinegar.

Blue Pizza

1 pizza base (store bought, frozen, made-from-scratch - your pick)
2 large onions, sliced in rings
1 can corn
blue cheese, crumbled
red pepper, sliced
salt, pepper, oregano
splash of balsamic vinegar

Pre-heat your oven at 375 degrees
"Roast" your corn in a pan with a bit of olive oil
Start caramelizing the onions. Keep your eyes on this. Very easy to burn. Add some salt to the onions, this will help with the process. Once browned add a splash of the balsamic.
Assemble the pizza with onions on the bottom, corn, peppers and cheese.
Bake and enjoy.

Bon Apetit!

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