Friday, January 29, 2010

Stir fried rice with ginger chicken

You know what leftover rice is best for? Fried rice. Especially if its been in the refrigerator, and its nice and cold. I had plenty of fresh vegetables so it was perfect.

Vegetable Fried Rice

You can pretty much use whatever vegetable you have for this. I used onions, garlic, red cabbage, mushrooms, celery, carrots and eggs. I sliced and julienned on my handy-dandy mandoline.

This thing is great. Love it! Its my Super Man-doline. Did I mention how much I love it? It is extremely sharp though - took a chunk off my fiance's thumb a few weeks ago. With great power comes great responsibility. I should stop, I'm just mixing up super heroes now...

So back to the rice. The key to good fried rice is to saute all your vegetables separately. do the onions, take em out. Saute the cabbage, take it out. Then the mushrooms, take them out. You get the idea. Add soy sauce to each item individually. Be sparse, you can always add more later. Lastly fried up the rice and add all the vegetables in and mix. Can't go wrong.

Dinner Part II - Ginger Chicken

So what does one eat with fried rice? Ginger chicken of course! For this, I threw 2 chicken breasts in the crockpot and just rummaged in the cabinet to figure out what else should go in here. Here's a list of what ended up in the pot:

Soy sauce
Giant piece of Ginger
Thai fish sauce
Sambal (red chili paste)
A bit of water, just so it didn't burn.

5 hourse on medium - and voila!

Bon Apetit.

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