Friday, February 12, 2010


Idli = South Indian steamed rice cakes. These can me made plain, to be dunked in a spicy "sambar" lentil soup. Or rava idlis, which have spices added to the batter and are usually eaten with a coconut and green chili chutney. I'm not adventurous enough to make these from scratch. That requires planning at least 3 days ahead of time: soaking the rice for 1 day, grinding it into a paste, and letting it ferment for another before it is ready for making idlis. Instead, I revert to these "just add water" Gits mixes - available in most Indian grocery stores. Just follow the directions on the box for a delicious and healthy meal ready in about 25 mins.

I have a fancy idli maker from India, but you can just make these in a flat bottomed container and cut it up in squares.

The chutney to go with it is pretty simple:

Green Chutney

Green chili + fresh coriander + coconut + pinch of salt + dash of sugar
Add enough water to blend.

Bon Appetit!

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